3D / 2D animation projects

The FILMENAS team is a highly experienced company specializing in 3D and 2D animation video production. With many successful video projects, visualizations, and even complex tasks like explosion simulations under our belt, no job is too challenging for us. We bring your ideas to life with precision and creativity!

3D animation, 3D animations, 3D video animation, 3D video projects
3D visualisations
3D visualisations
3D visualisations
3D visualisations
3D visualisations
3D visualisations


Explore popular and handpicked visuals

Stand out with authentic, fresh video or image

Discover the perfect stock footage, including 4K or HD video, in our massive library.

Video collections

The Filmenas video collection consists of various video frames. All shots were shot by the Filmenas team.

Photo collections

Filmenas team not only films, but also takes photos. We want to share our photos.

Let's cooperate

Let's cooperate. It will definitely help to realize the project that everyone has in mind.

Join Us Today

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